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4541 EYK J.J. van der, Reconnaissance soil survey in northern Surinam, 1957 , 1st edition, stiched, kl.4vo, 100pp, Wageningen, thesis, with folding map in color and photographs E 18,90 

8069 Schiltkamp J.A., Honderd jaar codificatie in de Nederlandse Antillen, 1969 , 1e druk, linnen+l.besch.omslag, 344pp, bovenkant gevlekt E 16,90 



17300 Les codes et les lois spéciales les plus usuelles en vigueur en Belgique, 1908 , 2nd edition, leather, kl.8vo, 1338pp, Bruxelles: Etablissements Emile Bruylant, 2 hoeken l.besch., pakket E 49,90 

15685 London. What to see and how to see it, 1856 , 2nd edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 268pp, with numerous illustrations, London, H.G.Clarke and Co, some pages loose, back damaged E 22,40 

16532 The New Zealand official year-book 1925, 1924 , 1st edition, boards, 896pp, wear at the edges, top spine damaged, pakket E 27,90 

15669 the South American handbook, 1929 , 1st edition, linnen+besch.omslag, kl.8vo, 746pp, with a folding map of south & Central America, pakket E 27,90 

18310 The Times Atlas of Britain. National atlas of England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland, 2010 , 1st edition, im. leather, folio, 448pp, nice copy in damaged box, with numerous maps and colour photos E 27,90 

17943 World heritage sites. a complete guide to 911 unesco world heritage sites, 2011 , 1st edition, stiched, 856pp, with numerous photographs, pakket E 16,90 

9246 Amplissimo, Consultissimoque Viro, domino Simoni van Hoorn, J.U.D. reipublicae Amstelaedamensis consuli, ac senatori / Indiarum orientalium ..., 1659 , 1st edition, perkament, kl.8vo, 547pp, Amstelodami, Apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, band besch., los in de band E 104,90 

2459 Cannes (Alpes Maritimes). Souvenir de l'Hôtel Montfleury, ca.1900, 1st edition, hcloth, folio, Album met 14 zw.w. foto's, randen band slightly damaged E 27,90 

11176 Die Eifel. Zum 100 j„hrigen Jubil„um des Eifelvereins 1888-1988, 1989 , 2nd revised edition, boards+dj, gr.8vo, 768pp, with numerous photographs, Trier, pakket E 16,90 

2595 The Illustrated London News. Silver Jubilee Record Number 1910-1935, 1935 , 2nd revised edition, stiched, folio, 84pp, London, Illustrated London News and Sketch, with many photographs and 16 colored plates, top and bottom spine sl.dam. E 16,90 

15505 Allen J.S., The Despoliation of Egypt in Pre-Rabbinic, Rabbinic and Patristic Traditions, Leiden, E.J.Brill, 2008 , 1st edition, boards, 305pp, fine copy E 55,40 

6701 Ambrosius E., Andrees Allgemeinder Handatlas in 221 haupt- und 192 nebenkarten / Namenverzeignis zu Andrees Handatlas, 1914 , 6e druk, halfleer, folio, Bielefeld und Leipzig, Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing, 2 vols., kaarten als nieuw, bovenkant rug beschadigd, onderkant rug beschadigd, pakket E 66,40 

18380 Atherton M, Complete old English (Anglo-saxon). Your complete speaking, listening, reading and writing package. From beginner to level 4, 2010 , 6e druk, paperback, book & cd in box, fine copy, pakket E 20,40 

16107 Baedeker K., Belgium and Holland. Handbook for travellers, 1885 , 8th revised edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 342pp, Leipsic, Karl Baedeker, with 12 maps and 20 plans, endpapers missing, name on endpapers, some damage top spine E 55,40 

16203 Baralt R.M. e.a., Resúmen de la historia de Venezuela desde el ano de 1797 hasta el de 1830, 1841 , 1st edition, leather, 1016pp, Paris,H. Fournier Y Comp, with c.18 engravings of important people, cover vol.2 severly damaged and last 20 pages damaged, last 90 of vol.1 heavily by paper lice, pakket E 27,90 

18306 Bartlett R, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075-1225, 2000 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 810pp, with illustrations, fine copy, pakket E 24,40 

5258 Blaauw F.E., Op zoek naar dieren en planten in Britsch oost-Afrika, Holkema & Warendorf, 1927 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, kl.4vo, 155pp, met talrijke foto's, licht roestvlekkige pagina's., pakket E 16,90 

15575 Bolshakov A.O., Man and his Double. Egyptian Ideology of the Old Kingdom, 1997 , 1st edition, paperback, gr.4vo, 336pp, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, Ägypten und Altes Testament band 37, many underlinements and some notes with pencil E 27,90 

15526 Boorstin B.J., The discoverers, 1991 , 1st edition, cloth, kl.4vo, 1024pp, with numerous illustrations, N.Y., Harry N.Abrams, deluxe edition, 2 vols in slipcase, nice copies, pakket E 24,40 

17436 Bracke N., Bronnen voor de industriële geschiedenis. gids voor Oost-Vlaanderen 1750-1945, 2000 , 1e druk, ingenaaid, 424pp, met foto's, z.g.a.n. E 22,40 

15482 Bricault L. e.a.(red.), Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, May 11-14 2005, 2007 , 1st edition, boards, 562pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy, pakket E 87,40 

8649 Bricker Ch., Geschiedenis van de cartografie, 1981 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, gr.4vo, 276pp, Alphen aan den Rijn, Atrium, met talrijke kaarten in kleur E 16,90 

14620 Bricker Ch./Tooley R.V.tooley e.a., Geschiedenis van de cartografie, 1981 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, folio, 236pp, met talrijke ills., pakket E 16,90 

10484 Bushell S.W., Chinese art, 1921 , 1e druk, cloth, kl.8vo, 300pp, with numerous photographs, Victoria and Albert Museum Handbooks, pakket E 27,90 

15558 Cambefort Y., Le Scarabée et les dieux. Essai sur la signification symbolique et mythique des Coléoptères, 1994 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.8vo, 224pp, with underlinements with pencil in the first 50 pages E 22,40 

16339 Canoro E., Ierland. Erin, land van helden en heiligen, 2004 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, folio, 300pp, met talrijke foto's, Zuid Boekprodukties E 16,90 

14271 Cerda Y Pita L.F.M. de la, Her ldica Espanola, 1990 , 1st edition, boards+dj, gr.8vo, 229pp, with numerous illustrations, fine copy E 16,90 

0780 Chisholm K., Rome. The Augustan age, 1992 , 5th edition, stiched, 707pp, with photographs, fine copy, pakket E 20,40 

9108 Coburn B., Everest. Mountain Without Mercy, 1997 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 256pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy E 16,90 

4836 CUNAEUS P., De republyk der Hebreen of gemeenebest der Joden Onder de wet der Ceremonien en Dienstbaar Jeruza, Vervolgd op de drie boeken van P. Cunaeus, 1700 , 1e druk, leer, kl.8vo, 558pp, Amsterdam, Daniel vanden Dalen, mooi opnieuw gebonden, met 19 -deels uitvouwbare- gravures E 165,40 

16325 Cuypers C., De magie van Rome en het sublieme gemis, 2004 , 1e druk, karton, 4vo, met talrijke foto's, z.g.a.n. E 16,90 

13374 Denuc‚ J. (red), Vlaanderen door de eeuwen heen, A'dam, Elsevier, 1932 , 1e druk, linnen, gr.8vo, 800pp, met talrijke ills., 2 boeken, pakket E 22,40 

15493 Diamond J.A., Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment, 2002 , 1st edition, paperback, 235pp, with many notes and underlinements with pencil, fine copy E 16,90 

6671 Droysens G., Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas in sechsundneunzig Karten mit erlauterndem Text, 1886 , 1e druk, halfleer, folio, Bielfeld und Leipzig, Velhagen und Klasing, bovenkant rug beschadigd, onderkant rug beschadigd,, hoeken band l.beschadigd, 96 kaarten als nieuw! E 137,90 

8508 Duryer P. (trl), Histoire de la guerre de Flandre, de Famianus Strada traduite par P. Du-Ryer, 1712 , 1st edition, leather, kl.8vo, 1640pp, Bruxelles, Joseph T'Serstevens, 3 vols, with 23 -partly foldable- engravings, spine of part 2 sl.dam., VERY RARE, corners plates damaged E 550,40 

15532 Egberts A., In quest of meaning. A study of the Ancient Egyptian Rites of Consecrating the Meret-Chests and Driving the Calves. Vol.1 & 2, 1995 , 1e druk, ingenaaid, 4vo, c.620pp, met talrijke ills., Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, pakket E 55,40 

15553 Enel, Les origines de la Genèse et l'enseignement des temples de l'ancienne Egypte, 1985 , 1st edition, stiched, 327pp, Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, with many underlinements with pencil E 27,90 

15681 Flammarion C., Viajes Aéreos. Impresoines y estudios diaro de á bordo de doce viajes científicos en globo, c.1870 , 1st edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 396pp, with illustrations, gevl. E 16,90 

18055 Forrest D, Tea for the British. The Social and Economic History of a Famous Trade, 1973 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 320pp, pakket E 17,90 

8523 Gallois L. (bew), Verkorte geschiedenis der Spaansche inquisitie, sedert derzelver vestiging door Ferdinand V, tot aan de regering van Ferdinand VII, 1828 , 1st edition, halfleer, kl.8vo, 447pp, A'dam, J.C.van Kesteren, bovenk.rug besch., met enkele onderstrepingen met pen, hoeken band l.beschadigd E 137,90 

18040 Gardiner S.R., History of the Great Civil War 1645-1649 / History of the Great Civil War. Volume Two 1644-45 / Volume Three 1645-47 / Volume Four 1647-49, 1987 , 1st edition, paperback, kl.8vo, c.1500pp, 4 volumes together (second volume not in the picture), pakket E 27,90 

7007 Georgano G.N., A history of the London Taxicab, 1972 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 180pp, with photographs E 16,90 

13344 Georges F., De Panne - Knokke. Een mooi verhaal, 2010 , 1e druk, karton, 4vo, 160pp, met talrijke foto's, naam op schutblad, z.g.a.n. E 22,40 

0037 Goodall E., Prehistoric rock art of the federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland, 1959 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, gr.4vo, 267pp, with numerous color and bl/w ills. E 22,40 

18221 Goodall J, The English Castle 1066-1650, 2011 , 1st edition, boards+dj, gr.4vo, 548pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy, pakket E 49,90 

12244 Gordon L., A pageant of dolls. A Brief History of Dolls showing the National Costumes & Customs of Many lands, ca.1950, 1st edition, cloth, 132pp, with numerous colored & bl/w ills. E 16,90 

3583 GRAHAM BOTHA C., Ons Suid-Afrika voorheen en tans, 1938 , 1st edition, linnen, 178pp, United Tobacco Cos. (South) Ltd, Kaapstad, Plaatjesalbum met 200 afb, zijkant rug geplakt, verder goed ex. E 33,40 

17926 Green M., London. A travel guide Through Time, Penguin Books, 2015 , 1st edition, boards+dj, kl.8vo, 496pp, with illustrations, fine copy, pakket E 22,40 

15557 Griggs C.W., Early Egyptian Christianity from its origin to 451 CE, Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1988 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.8vo, 276pp, with many underlinements with pencil E 22,40 

15574 Grimm A., Die Altägyptischen festkalender in den tempeln der Griechisch- Römischen epoche, 1994 , 1st edition, paperback, gr.4vo, 477pp, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, Ägypten und Altes Testament band 15 E 27,90 

13506 Grönbech W., Kultur und religion der Germanen, 1978 , 1st edition, cloth, 868pp, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2 bande, pakket E 16,90 

7063 Guizot M., L'histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789 racontée à mes petits-enfants. Tome cinquième, 1876 , 1st edition, hleather, gr.8vo, 598pp, Paris, Librairie Hachette & Cie, with large index alphabétique, with numerous gravures, signs of usage, bottom back damaged, pakket E 24,40 

4636 GWYNN S., Ireland. Its place of beauty entertainment sport and historic association, 1927 , 1st edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 280pp, London, George G.Harrap, with folding map, serie 'the kitbag travel books' E 16,90 

15512 Hannig R. e.a., Kulturhandbuch Ägyptens. Wortschatz der Pharaonen in Sachgruppen, 1999 , 1e druk, linnen+omslag, kl.8vo, 1029pp, Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, pakket E 27,90 

10779 Hedley J., Tramps in dark Mongolia, 1910 , 1st edition, cloth, 371pp, with photographs, T.Fisher Unwin, with a folding map, stained pages., top spine damaged E 71,90 

15541 Helck W. e.a.(red.), Lexikon der Ägyptologie, 1975-92, 1st edition, cloth, 4vo, with numerous illustrations, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, complete in 7 volumes, with many underlinements and notes with pencil, backs of 4volumes (sl.) damaged, pakket E 495,40 

5654 Herbers K., Der Jakobuskult in Süddeutschland. Kultgeschichte in regionaler und europäischer Perspektive, 1995 , 1st edition, paperback, 401pp, with photographs E 22,40 

18301 Hollister C.W., Henry I, 2003 , 1st edition, stiched, 554pp, London: Yale University Press, fine copy, pakket E 18,90 

16806 Hopp W., Sterben-wenn nötig, töten-nie. Vom leben und gebräuchen der letzten Waldindianen, ca.1960, 1st edition, cloth+damaged dj, gr.8vo, 227pp, Berlin, Safari Verlag, over indianen in Zuid-Amerika, met een uitklapbare kaart en foto's E 16,90 

10495 Horne A., Geschichte von Frankfurt am Main in gedr„ngter Dartstellung, 1893 , 1st edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 341pp, with illustrations, onderk.rug.slightly damaged E 16,90 

15504 Hornung E., Altägyptische Jenseitsbücher. Ein Einführender Überblick, 1997 , 1st edition, boards, 181pp, underlinements on the first 8 pages with pencil, fine copy E 33,40 

15497 Hornung E., Altägyptische Jenseitsbücher. Ein einführender Überblick, 1997 , 1st edition, boards, 181pp, with underlinements with pencil, fine copy E 16,90 

15507 Idel M., Kabbalah. New perspectives, 1988 , 1st edition, paperback, 419pp, New Haven, Yale University Press, with notes and underlinements with pencil, pakket E 18,90 

10248 Ingelse T., The story of a railway. Thailand-Burma Railway 1943-45 built by P.O.W. in the second worldwar, ca.1975, 1st edition, karton, 4vo, De Birmaspoorweg in Aquarellen, map met 15 aquarellen, mapje iets gekreukt E 27,90 

14814 Invernizzi Tettoni L., Living in Sarawak, 1996 , 1st edition, boards+sl.damaged dj, 4vo, 224pp, with numerous photographs E 27,90 

16320 Janssen Miraglia L., Sicilicious. Een culinaire ontdekkingsreis door Sicilië, 2010 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, kl.4vo, 240pp, met talrijke foto's, Karakter, z.g.a.n. E 17,90 

14571 Jong R.C. de e.a., NZASM 100. 1887-1899 The Building Steam Engines and Structures of the Netherlands South African Railway, 1988 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 265pp, with numerous photographs E 27,90 

18262 Judd D, King George VI, 1982 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 266pp, with photographs E 16,90 

10414 Juynboll Th.W., Handleiding tot de kennis van de Mohammedaansche wet volgens de leer der Sjƒfiitische school, 1930 , 4e druk, linnen, 428pp, mooi ex., pakket E 33,40 

16955 Kennedy P. (samenst.), Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts, 1968 , 4e druk, cloth, kl.8vo, 352pp, pakket E 27,90 

10480 Kepper G.L., De Zuid-Afrikaansche oorlog. Historisch gedenkboek, Sijthoff, ca.1930, 1e druk, halflinnen, folio, 323pp, blinde band, met talijke foto's en tekeningen E 16,90 

4983 KESTELL J.D., Christiaan De Wet. 'n Lewensbeskrywing, 1920 , 1e druk, linnen, 284pp, ills. E 27,90 

11234 Kiepert H., Atlas antiquus. Twaalf kaarten behoorende bij de Oude geschiedenis, ca.1880, 1e druk, halfleer, gr.4vo, 26pp, Berlijn, Dietrich Reimer, naam op schutblad, slijtage randen band E 49,90 

14739 Kimase S., Mitsuru Toyama kämpft für Grossasien, 1941 , 1st edition, boards+damaged dj, 254pp, back damaged, very rare E 27,90 

17893 King E, Medieval England 1066-1485, 1988 , 1st edition, boards, 4vo, 272pp, with numerous illustrations E 16,90 

15516 Koch K., Geschichte der Ägyptischen religion. Von den Pyramiden bis zu den Mysterien der Isis, 1993 , 1st edition, boards, gr.8vo, 676pp, Stuttgart Berlin Koln, Kohlhammer, with underlinements and a few notes with pencil, pakket E 22,40 

3275 KORTHALS ALTES J., Polderland in Italie. De werkzaamheden der Nederlandsche bedijkers in vroeger eeuwen en het Italiaansche polderland voorheen en thans, W.P.van Stockum & Zn, 1928 , 1e druk, linnen, 288pp, met opdracht van de auteur, ills.(f/k), licht roestvlekkige pagina's. E 38,90 

6569 Kotting Jan C.Zn J., Venetië. Eenige bijzonderheden omtrent de stad aan de Adriatische Zee die gedurende elfhonderd jaar haar grootheid handhaafde en aan een volk..., 1927 , 1e druk, linnen, kl.4vo, 200pp, Amsterdam, Drukkerij Kotting, 'Niet in den handel', ills., rug aan één kant half los, gevl. E 27,90 

15483 Krauss R., Astronomische Konzepte und Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Pyramidentexten, 1997 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.8vo, 297pp, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen band 59, with many light notes and underlinements in pencil E 27,90 

11852 Kümmer U., Carte dressée pour servir à l'intelligence des projets de canaux décrétés & à décréter dans la Campine, 1844 , 1st edition, cloth, uitvouwbare landkaart op linnen van de Kempen in halflinnen boekje (rug besch.) E 82,90 

LL 8390 Lacy A.D., Greek Pottery in the Bronze Age, 1967 , 1e druk, linnen, gr.8vo, 304pp, London, Methuen & Co Ltd, 4 color plts. over 400 textills. and 4 maps E 16,90 

15511 Lalouette C., Sagesse Sémitique de l'Égypte ancienne á l'Islam, 1998 , 1st edition, paperback, 272pp, with notes and underlinements with pencil E 16,90 

15824 Lasareff V., Russian icons from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, 1983 , 1st edition, stiched, folio, 537pp, Moscow, Mockba, 6 volumes in a cloth slipcase, almost all text in Russian, with 143 large illustrations, mostly in color, fine copy, pakket E 82,90 

4935 LAST J., Het stalen fundament. Reportage over 2500 km zwerftochten door de Oeral, 1933 , 1e druk, linnen, 8vo, 262pp, Amsterdam, Boekengemeenschap der vrienden van de Sowjet-Unie, met ca. 50 foto's, mooi ex., z.licht roestvlekkige pagina's., naam op schutblad E 27,90 

18126 Leonard D, A History of British Prime Ministers (Omnibus Edition): Walpole to Cameron, 2014 , 1st edition, paperback, 881pp, palgrave mcmillan, a very nice copy, pakket E 27,90 

15547 Lichtheim M., Moral values in Ancient Egypt, 1997 , 1st edition, boards, 110pp, Fribourg, University Press, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: 155, with many underlinements and some notes with pencil E 27,90 

11415 Lind E.M. e.a., East African Vegetation, 1974 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, gr.8vo, 257pp, with numerous illustrations, text on endpapers E 33,40 

11352 Lujn N., Historia del toreo, 1967 , 2nd edition, boards, gr.4vo, 440pp, with numerous illustrations, nice ex libr.copy, pakket E 55,40 

16740 Macaulay Th.B., Geschiedenis van Engeland, 1869-71, 1st edition, hcloth, A'dam, Wed. J. C. van Kesteren, compleet in 6 delen (op de foto staat niet alles!) E 33,40 

10585 Mantovani R. e.a., K2. Challenging the sky, 1995 , 1st edition, boards+dj, folio, 144pp, with numerous photographs E 16,90 

16104 Manuel D.G., A gladdening river. Twenty-five years Guild influence among the Himalayas, 1914 , 1st edition, cloth, kl.8vo, 260pp, with numerous photographs, with folding maps, name on endpapers E 16,90 

4488 Meiggs R., The Athenian empire, 1987 , 1st edition, stiched, 620pp, met kaartjes, keurig exemplaar E 26,90 

11851 Moeller J., Atlas de géographie historique, ca.1870, 1st edition, hcloth, 4vo, Bruxelles, C.Callewaert FrŠres, cover heavily damaged E 66,40 

1512 MONT COCK, Vlaamsche volksvertelsels, Zutphen, Thieme, 1927 , 2e herz. druk, linnen, geillustreerd door DOM P., licht roestvlekkige pagina's,licht gevlekte band E 16,90 

16667 Moor A. de (bew.), Nieuwste uitgebreide wereld atlas. Met 48 kaarten in vele kleuren en een alphabetisch register, ca.1925, 2e herz. druk, karton, gr.4vo, met talrijke foto's, Sparo, niet originele omslag met het originele voorplat erop geplakt, gebruikssporen E 16,90 

15548 Moran W.L. e.a.(vert.), Les lettres d'El Amarna. Correspondance diplomatique du pharaon, 1987 , 1st edition, stiched, kl.8vo, 630pp, Paris, Les Ëditions du Cerf, with underlinements with pencil in the first 56 pages, pakket E 16,90 

13304 Motley J.L., The rise of the Dutch republic, 1896 , 2nd edition, cloth, kl.8vo, London, George Bell and sons, 3 volumes, 2 backs at one side a ltittle loose, pakket E 16,90 

15523 Moussa `s., Le voyage en Égypte. Anthologie de voyageurs Européens de Bonaparte à l'occupation Anglaise, 2004 , 1st edition, paperback, kl.8vo, 1066pp E 22,40 

18288 Myres J.N.L., The English Settlements, 1987 , 4th edition, boards+dj, 248pp, Oxford: Clarendon Press, bijna als nieuw E 16,90 

14061 Nieuwenkamp W.O.J., Heilige steden. Engelsch-Indie, Den Haag, Leopold, 1924 , 1e druk, linnen, gr.4vo, 84pp, met talrijke ills., nr. 407 van de 500 genr. ex., gevl. E 22,40 

15823 Offelen M. v., Nomads of Niger, 1983 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, folio, 224pp, with numerous photographs, New York, Abrams, nice copy, pakket E 16,90 

12730 Oordt G.A. v., Striving and hoping to the bitter end. The Life of Herman Frederik Van Oordt 1862-1907, 1980 , 1st edition, boards+damaged dj, 297pp, with photographs E 22,40 

4681 Orto L.F. dell e.a.(red), Rediscovering Pompeii, 1992 , 1st edition, stiched+dj, gr.4vo, 287pp, with numerous photographs, pakket E 17,90 

9562 Ozanam A.F., La civilisation Chrétienne chez les Francs - Recherches sur l'histoire ecclésiastique, politique et littéraire des temps mérovingiens et ..., 1850 , 1st edition, hleather, 492pp, Liège, J.G.Lardinois E 27,90 

9921 Paffenrode J. v., Der Grieken en Romeynen krygs-handel: Ofte Beschrijvinge van de Griekse en Roomse land-militie waer onder vele outheden dier Volkeren ..., 1686 , 2e druk, perkament, 4vo, 392pp, Leiden, Pieter vander Meersche, met talrijke ills. waarsch. van Van der Ulft, zeer zeldzaam, pakket E 1094,90 

16568 Palin M., Himalaya / Sahara / New Europe, 2002-07, 1st edition, boards+dj, kl.4vo, 832pp, with numerous photographs, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, fine copy, pakket E 16,90 

16199 Parley P., Peter Parley's Universal history on the basis of Geography. A new edition, brought down to the present day. Illustrated by 20 maps and 125 engravings, 1880 , 1st edition, boards, kl.8vo, 718pp, New York, Ivision, Blakeman, Taylor & Company, cover damaged, name on titlepage, pakket E 16,90 

16126 Patris R. (samenst.), La guirlande de l'Iran. Poèmes de Firdousi - Nizâmi - Omar Kheyyam - Saadi - Hâfiz, 1948 , 1st edition, boards, kl.4vo, 93pp, Flammarion, with 25 beautiful colour plates E 16,90 

18190 Phillips C, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Royal Britain. A Magnificent Study of Britain's Royal Heritage With a Directory of Royalty and over 120 of the Most Important Historic Buildings, 2008 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 512pp, with numerous photographs, pakket E 16,90 

18261 Phillips S, Edward II, 2010 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 679pp, New Haven/London : Yale University Press, fine copy, pakket E 22,40 

18302 Picknett L e.a., Double Standards. The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up, 2001 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 578pp, with photographs, Little, Brown and Company, fine copy, pakket E 16,90 

15873 Pierce D., James Joyce's Ireland, 1992 , 1e druk, ingenaaid, gr.8vo, 239pp, met talrijke foto's E 16,90 

16175 Pirenne H., Geschiedenis van België. Vertaald naar de tweede, herziene en verbeterde Fransche uitgave door Richard Delbecq, 1902 , 1e druk, halfleer, c.3000pp, Gent, Samenwerkende Maatschappij & Volksdrukkerij, compleet in 7 delen, pakket E 82,90 

15533 Plas D. van der, L'Hymne a la Crue du Nil. Tome I & II, 1986 , 1st edition, stiched, 4vo, 429pp, with numerous illustrations, Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten E 55,40 

16766 Poel W. van der, Leerboek der Japansche taal. Met bijvoeging van opgaaf der katakana en hiragana teekens, W.P.van Stockum & Zn, 1943 , 1e druk, ingenaaid, 396pp E 27,90 

14737 Ramming M., Japan-handbuch. Nachschlagewerk der Japankunde, 1941 , 1st edition, cloth, 740pp, with illustrations, name on endpapers, slightly stained cover, pakket E 27,90 

12593 Reimers E. (vert), Selections from the Dutch records of the Ceylon government no.5 / Ceylonse archiefstukken no.5, 1946 , 1st edition, linnen, gr.8vo, 201pp, in English & Dutch, Herinneringen van gouverneur van Ceylon Jan Schreuder aan Lubbert Jan Baron van Eck E 27,90 

3934 RENCY G., Albert, roi des Belges, 1936 , 1st edition, hleather, 4vo, 214pp, Henri Bertels, Bruxelles, with numerous photographs, nice copy E 38,90 

13373 Roberts R.A. D., The Holy Land, 1982 , 1st edition, im. leather+dj, gr.4vo, ca.360pp, Israel, Terra Sancta Arts, with 123 coloured lithographs, in cardboard box, fine copy, pakket E 38,90 

15333 Rompel F., Heroes of the Boer War, 1903 , 1st edition, cloth, gr.8vo, 196pp, with 2 maps and 140 ills E 27,90 

14784 Rompel F., Heroes of the Boer War, 1903 , 1st edition, cloth, gr.8vo, 196pp, with 2 maps and 140 ills., slightly stained cover, name on endpapers E 22,40 

8403 Rudner J./I., The hunter and his art. A survey of rock art in Southern Africa, 1970 , 1st edition, cloth+damaged dj, kl.4vo, 278pp, with numerous illustrations, pakket E 44,40 

18219 Russell M e.a., Unroman Britain. Exposing the Great Myth of Britannia, 2011 , 1st edition, boards+dj, gr.8vo, 256pp, with numerous photographs, The History Press Ltd, fine copy E 27,90 

15537 Rutgers L.V., The Jews in Late Ancient Rome. Evidence of cultural interaction in the Roman Diaspora, Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1994 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.8vo, 283pp, fine copy E 27,90 

15384 Salmon Th., Hedendaagsche historie of Tegenwoordige staat van Switzerland en Italie., 1760 , 1e druk, perkament, kl.8vo, 660pp, Amsterdam, IsaakTirion, 2 delen in 1band, zonder de 6 platen, met enkele naamstempels voorin, rug besch. en op geschreven, band smoezelig, pakket E 66,40 

18401 Salway P, The Oxford illustrated history of Roman Britain, 1993 , 1st edition, boards+sl.damaged dj, kl.4vo, 563pp, pakket E 28,90 

18307 Salway P, Roman Britain, 1986 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, 824pp, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pakket E 16,90 

16290 Santagiuliana F., Living Siena, 1985 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, kl.4vo, 212pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy E 16,90 

12211 Schama S., A history of Britain. At the edge of the world? 1603-1776 / A history of Britain. The wars of the British 1603-1776, 2000/01, 1st edition, cloth+dj, kl.4vo, 416pp, with numerous photographs, N.Y., Hyperion, 2 books (part II not in the picture), pakket E 22,40 

0008 Slack L.M., Rock engravings from Driekops eiland and other sites south-west of Johannesburg, 1962 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, 4vo, 103pp, Centaur Press Ltd, with numerous photographs E 22,40 

17663 Smith A., An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, 1965 , 2nd revised edition, im. leather+sl.damaged dj, 975pp, pakket E 27,90 

17025 Spence L., De mythen van Mexico en Peru, Zutphen, Thieme, ca.1925, 1e druk, linnen, 397pp, met talrijke ills., licht gevlekte band, licht roestvlekkige pagina's., pakket E 24,40 

17904 Spencer-Schurchill H. v., Blenheim and the Churchill family, 2005 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 224pp, with numerous illustrations E 22,40 

16991 Staal L.D., Verhalen en legenden van Israël, Zutphen, Thieme, 1925 , 1e druk, linnen, 366pp, geillustreerd door L.Pinkhof, licht roestvlekkige pagina's., pakket E 16,90 

10581 Steck A. e.a.(ed), Ascent. The mountaineering experience in word and image, 1989 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.4vo, 207pp, with photographs E 16,90 

4665 STEERS J.A., The coastline of England & Wales, 1946 , 1st edition, cloth, 644pp, Cambridge University Press, with maps and 115 photographs E 27,90 

18308 Stenton F, Anglo-Saxon England, 1988 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 765pp, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pakket E 16,90 

16327 Stoop A. de, Living in Portugal, 1995 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 255pp, with numerous photographs, Paris: Flammarion E 16,90 

8609 Strada F., Supplement a l'histoire des guerres civiles de Flandre sous Philippe II, roi d'Espagne, du pere famien strada, et d'autres auteurs, 1729 , 1st edition, leather, kl.8vo, 560pp, A'dam, Pierre Michiels, bottom of spine of vol.1 damaged, with 3 engravings, VERY RARE E 192,90 

15572 Stricker B.H., De geboorte van Horus V, 1989 , 1e druk, ingenaaid, 4vo, 178pp, Leiden, Ex Oriente Lux, met talrijke onderstrepingen en aantekeningen met potlood E 16,90 

1331 Strzygowski J., Altai-Iran und völkerwanderung. Ziergeschichtliche Untersuchungen über den Eintritt der Wander-und Nordvölker in die Treibhäuser geistigen Lebens, 1917 , 1st edition, cloth, 4vo, 319pp, with numerous photographs, Leipzig, J.C.Hinrichs, gevl., borders front damaged E 71,90 

16970 Suyin H., China 1890-1938. Eine historische Foto-Reportage herausgegeben von E.Baschet, 1979 , 1e druk, linnen+omslag, 4vo, 260pp, met talrijke foto's, Kehl am Rhein: Swan verlag E 22,40 

4537 Talbert R.J.A., The senate of imperial Rome, 1984 , 1st edition, paperback, gr.8vo, 583pp E 22,40 

15353 Texier M.E., Voyage pittoresque en Hollande et en Belgique, ca.1860, 1st edition, cloth, gr.8vo, 484pp, Paris, Motizot, gold plated, without plates, bottom back sl.damaged E 82,90 

12431 Thijssen L., 1000 jaar Polen in Nederland, Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1992 , 1e druk, karton+omslag, 4vo, 263pp, met talrijke ills., incl. Poolstalige bijlage E 18,90 

17659 Tongue m., 3D Expo 1862. A magic journey to Victorian England, 1995 , 1st edition, boards, 112pp, with numerous photographs, with stereo viewer, fine copy E 16,90 

14788 Trautz F.M. v., Japan Korea und Formosa. Landschaft / baukunst / volksleben, 1930 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, gr.4vo, 256pp, with numerous photographs, Berlin, Atlantis-verlag, rare, name on endpapers E 27,90 

17355 Treadgold D.W., Twentieth century Russia, 1961 , 3rd edition, cloth, 550pp, with a few light underlinements with pencil E 27,90 

5897 Troelstra-Bokma De Boer S. (verz), Oud-Fransche sagen, volksoverleveringen en sprookjes, Zutphen, Thieme, 1930 , 1e druk, linnen, 410pp, geillustreerd door Pol Dom, bovenk.rug licht beschadigd, pakket E 20,40 

18067 Viollet-le-Duc, De geschiedenis van een stadhuis en van eene kathedraal, Utrecht, de Erven F.Bohn, 1897 , 1e druk, linnen, 320pp, met ills., tekst op schutblad, mooi exemplaar E 27,90 

10184 Vishniac R., Polish jews. a pictorial record, 1975 , 1e druk, paperback, 4vo, 31pp, with numerous photographs, N.Y., Schocken Books , enkele pagina's bovenaan iets gegolfd t.g.v. vocht E 22,40 

18098 Vitali D, The Celts. History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization, 2007 , 1st edition, boards+dj, folio, 207pp, with numerous photographs, White Star Publishers, fine copy, pakket E 27,90 

18129 Walpole H, Memoirs of King George II, I januari 1751-march 1754 / II march 1754-1757 / III 1758-1760 Appendices and Index, 1985 , 1st edition, boards+dj, gr.8vo, 248pp, London: Yale University Press, fine copy, pakket E 109,40 

12624 Warnsinck J.C.M., Reisen van Nicolaus de Graaff Gedaan naar alle gewesten des Werelds. Beginnende 1639 tot 1687 / Oost-Indise spiegel, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976 , 1st edition, linnen+omslag, 362pp, fotomechanische herdruk, pakket E 27,90 

18042 Watson J.S., The Reign of George III 1760-1815, 1988 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 637pp, nice copy, pakket E 18,90 

18108 Webster L, Anglo-Saxon art. A new history, 2012 , 1st edition, stiched, gr.8vo, 256pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy E 16,90 

16113 Weigall A., The life and times of Akhnaton pharaoh of Egypt, 1923 , 8th edition, cloth, 256pp, London, Thornton Butterworth Ltd., sticker on spine, pakket E 16,90 

1295 Werkgroep Eval.ontw.hulp, Evaluatie van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp, 1969 , 1e druk, paperback, incl. bijlagen 1 t/m 6 en 8, 1 boek los in de band E 27,90 

17914 Wilkinson D.N. e.a., Charles Dickens's England, 2009 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 268pp, with numerous photographs, pakket E 22,40 

18222 Wilson D.M., The Bayeux Tapestry, 2004 , 1st edition, boards+dj, folio, 234pp, with numerous photographs, fine copy, pakket E 16,90 

18224 Worsley L, If Walls Could Talk.An intimate history of the home, 2011 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 351pp, Faber & Faber, fine copy, pakket E 16,90