11986 Abeler J., Ullstein Uhrenbuch, 1975 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, 322pp, with numerous photographs, Berlin, Ullstein E 20,40
11991 Alan Lloyd H., Old clocks, 1970 , 4th edition, cloth+dj, 296pp, with numerous photographs, London, Ernest Benn Ltd, name on endpapers E 16,90
11962 Baillie G.H., Watchmakers and clockmakers of the world, 1974 , 4th edition, cloth+dj, 388pp, London, N.A.G.Press, name on endpapers, pakket E 16,90
17139 Baillie G.H. e.a., Britten's old clocks and watches and their makers, 1956 , 7th edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, 4vo, 518pp, with numerous photographs, omslag geplastificeerd, pakket E 16,90
11978 Ballweg M., bruckmann's Uhren-Lexikon, 1975 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, 232pp, with numerous illustrations, Mnchen, Bruckmann, pakket E 22,40
11971 Bassermann-Jordan E. von e.a., Oude klokken. Het handboek voor verzamelaars en liefhebbers met ruim 700 afbeeldingen en 20 kleurplaten, 1974 , 1e druk, linnen+omslag, 535pp, met talrijke foto's, Haarlem Schuyt , naam op schutblad, pakket E 33,40
11977 Bassermann-Jordan E. von e.a., Uhren. ein Handbuch fr sammler und Liebhaber, 1969 , 1e druk, cloth+dj, 520pp, with numerous photographs, Braunschweig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, pakket E 27,90
12287 Battison E.A. e.a., The American Clock 1725-1865. The Mabel Brady Garvan and other collections at Yale University, 1973 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, 4vo, 207pp, with numerous photographs, Greenwich, New York Graphic Society Ltd., name on endpapers E 27,90
11982 Bird A., English house clocks: 1600-1850. An historical survey and guide for collectors and dealers, 1973 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 313pp, with photographs, Newton Abbot, David & Charles, name on endpapers E 22,40
17394 Breguet A.L., Die Uhrmacherkunst erobert die Welt, 2011 , 1st edition, boards, folio, 271pp, with numerous photographs, Zürich, Schweizerisches National Museum, fine copy, pakket E 49,90
11963 Britten F.J., Watch & clock maker's handbook, dictionary and guide, 1976 , 11th revised edition, im. leather+dj, 499pp, with numerous illustrations, Facsimile-reprint, fine copy, pakket E 31,40
11989 Bruton E., The Longcase Clock, 1970 , 2nd edition, boards+dj, 146pp, with illustrations, Arco Publications, name on endpapers E 27,90
11948 Carle D. de, Practical clock repairing, 1975 , 2nd edition, im. leather+dj, 244pp, with numerous illustrations E 22,40
12275 Cescinsky H., English domestic clocks, 1976 , 2nd edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 354pp, with numerous photographs E 27,90
17142 Cescinsky H. e.a., English domestic clocks, 1968 , 1st edition, hcloth+sl.damaged dj, gr.4vo, 354pp, with numerous photographs, N.Y: Bonanza Books E 44,40
12277 Ceum L.U., Traces of time. The Chopard Manufacture Collection, 2006 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 4vo, 96pp, with numerous photographs, in box, no.727 of 1500 numb.copies, fine copy E 49,90
12273 Clutton C., Britten's old clocks and watches and their makers, 1973 , 8th edition, cloth+dj, 4vo, 532pp, with numerous photographs, London, Eyre Methuen & E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., pakket E 27,90
12281 Clutton C., Clocks & watches in the collection of the worshipful company of clockmakers, 1975 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, 4vo, 123pp, with numerous photographs, Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications E 20,40
12289 Coole P.G., The Orpheus Clocks, 1972 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, gr.8vo, 164pp, with numerous photographs, London, Hutchinson, name on endpapers E 16,90
17153 Desbois J. (red.), Horlogerie Ancienne, 1974-75, 1st edition, paperback, 520pp, with numerous photographs, no. 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17, pakket E 33,40
12293 Edwardes E.L., The Grandfather Clock. An historical and descriptive treatise on the English Long Case Clock with notes on some Scottish, Welsh and Irish exemaples, 1971 , 3rd edition, im. leather+dj, gr.8vo, 271pp, with numerous photographs, Altrinncham, John Serratt and Son, pakket E 49,90
12288 Jaquet E., Technique and history of the Swiss Watch, 1970 , 3rd edition, cloth+damaged dj, 4vo, with numerous photographs, London, Spring Books, pakket E 27,90
11953 Jttemann, Die schwarzwalduhr, 1972 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, 164pp, with numerous photographs E 16,90
11965 Jttemann, Die schwarzwalduhr, 1972 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, 164pp, with numerous photographs, Braunschweig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, name on endpapers, fine copy E 16,90
17152 Jüttemann H., Die Schwarzwalduhr, 1972 , 1st edition, cloth+damaged dj, 164pp, with numerous photographs, Braunschweig: Klinkhart & Biermann E 22,40
7967 Komar D.J./ Planche F., Swatchwatches, 1992 , 1st edition, boards, gr.8vo, 368pp, with numerous photographs, Verlag Chrono Time, numbered edition in german, pakket E 44,40
12274 Lloyd H.A., The collector's dictionary of clocks, 1964 , 1st edition, cloth, gr.4vo, 214pp, with numerous photographs, London, Country Life Ltd. E 22,40
17141 Lloyd H.A., The collector's dictionary of clocks, 1969 , 2nd edition, cloth+dj, gr.4vo, 214pp, with numerous photographs, Country Life E 16,90
11959 Loomes B., Westmorland clocks and clockmakers, 1974 , 1st edition, boards+dj, kl.8vo, 120pp, with photographs, London, David & Charles E 17,90
11990 Loomes B., The White Dial Clock, 1974 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 172pp, with photographs, Newton Abbot, David & Charles, name on endpapers E 16,90
17145 Mody N.H.N., Japanese clocks, 1967 , 1st edition, linnen+l.besch.omslag, gr.8vo, met talrijke foto's, pakket E 66,40
12291 Morpurgo E., Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300, A'dam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1970 , 1e druk, linnen+omslag, kl.4vo, 152pp, schaars E 59,90
12292 Morpurgo E., Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300, A'dam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1970 , 1e druk, linnen+l.besch.omslag, kl.4vo, 152pp, schaars, naam op schutblad E 59,90
11957 Muhe R., Uhren und zeitmessung. Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung. Die Entwicklung der Schwarzw„lder Uhr, 1972 , 2nd edition, boards+dj, 132pp, name on endpapers, fine copy E 20,40
14017 Roo T. de, Roentgen atlas of old dutch clocks, 1974 , 1e druk, kunstleer+omslag, 4vo, 170pp, met talrijke foto's E 18,90
17140 Royer-Collard F.B., Skeleton Clocks, 1969 , 1st edition, cloth+sl.damaged dj, gr.4vo, 154pp, with numerous photographs, London: N.A.G. Press Ltd E 29,90
11954 Schwartz M.D., Collector's guide to Antique American Clocks, 1975 , 1st edition, cloth+dj, kl.8vo, 175pp, with numerous photographs E 27,90
11949 Smith A., Clocks and watches, 1975 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 222pp, with numerous illustrations, The connoisseur illustrated guides E 16,90
11951 Smith E.P., Repairing antique clocks. A guide for amateurs, 1973 , 1st edition, boards+dj, 231pp, with numerous illustrations E 16,90
11988 Spanje T. v., Handboek voor den horlogiemaker. Leiddraad voor ieder die kennis wil bekomen van de werking en zamenstelling der uurwerken, 1976 , 1st edition, linnen+omslag, 442pp, A'dam, Geerd Wijnen, fascimile herdruk van de druk uit 1864, naam op schutblad, pakket E 33,40
11980 Spierdijk C., Horloges en horlogemakers, A'dam, H.J.W.Becht, 1973 , 1e druk, linnen+omslag, 232pp, met ills., naam op schutblad E 20,40
17137 Symonds R.W., Thomas Tompion his life and work, 1969 , 2nd edition, boards+dj, gr.4vo, 316pp, with numerous photographs, London, Spring Books E 33,40
17143 Tardy, La pendule Francaise. Des origines a nos jours. I: De l'Horloge Gothique à la Pendule Louis XV, II: Du Louis XVI à nos jours, III: Provinces et Etranger, 1964-69, 2nd edition, stiched, gr.4vo, c.720pp, with numerous photographs, ruggen dl.2 en dl. 3 l.besch., slightly stained cover, pakket E 154,40
17154 Vasseur JP (red.), Horlogerie Ancienne, 1969-72, 1st edition, stapled, kl.8vo, 85pp, with photographs, no. 2, 7, 8 & 9 E 27,90
11967 WILLARD J.W., Simon Willard and his clocks, 1968 , 1st edition, stiched, 133pp, with numerous illustrations, N.Y., Dover Publications E 16,90
17147 Zeeman J., De Nederlandse stoelklok, Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp., 1969 , 1e druk, linnen+besch.omslag, gr.8vo, 223pp, met talrijke foto's E 16,90